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Knowledge at your fingertips – a few facts about e-learning platforms

Employee development through training in companies has been affected significantly by the unforeseen pandemic. Life abhors a vacuum, which is why e-learning platforms are booming. They have become not only a place for learning or increasing qualifications, but also a platform for contacting business partners and clients.

Firstly, we have to answer the question: What is e-learning? In short, it can be described as a network transfer of skills and knowledge to many recipients simultaneously.

What are the advantages of e-learning?

Operation on any device with Internet access

Global reach – conducting and participating in training from anywhere in the world

Higher teaching efficiency thanks to modern tools such as: presentations, animations, chat, screen sharing, whiteboard, gamification, VR and AR, tik-tok learning

Savings on logistics, training rooms etc.

Tests consolidating the acquired knowledge

Standardisation of knowledge and repeatability of e-learning courses for the entire organisation – school or company

Companies see the potential not only for their employees, but also for business clients. A wide range of services ensures high flexibility which, in turn, makes it possible to successfully use e-learning in every industry. It is also a great alternative to conferences and trade fair. Traditional meetings, in which we took part with great pleasure until recently, can be transferred to online reality without prejudice to the knowledge shared during them.

Another interesting solution is to provide contractors with access to a platform for learning and exchanging materials. This is a business model that clients use already. When does it work? For instance, when a company has an extensive sales network and wants the points distributing its products to gain access to detailed knowledge about each of them. Another possibility is to promote company’s products in a certain way by sellers or intermediaries.

A similar solution is used by the MediHelp Academy, which serves as the collection of information about the company, its products and their functional rules as well as the benefits of having private health insurance. It is a very good tool, e.g. for brokers who will find tips on sales techniques adjusted to health insurance, which may result in acquiring new clients. The courses offered by the MediHelp Academy include useful documents and videos to help users better understand the world of international private health insurance. Interestingly, the entire training process ends with an exam. Everyone who completes the course and passes the exam will receive an appropriate certificate.
A potential client will learn step by step how to fill in the form, use the policy and the Health Card. 

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