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The negative effects that prolonged work program has on health

The medical and scientific communities report that the preoccupation for building a professional life, translated into prolonged hours at work and constant stress, has an irrecoverable impact on one’s health. According to a report in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, people who work more than 60 hours per week risk developing coronary heart disease 63% more than those who have a lighter work schedule. Moreover, the risk is up to 94% greater for those who work more than 90 hours per week.

Compromises in favor of prolonged work schedule have long-term negative effects on a social level, by reducing the time dedicated to family and friends, but also physically. According to research made by The Institute for Employment Studies on the impact of prolonged labor hours – over 40 hours a week – the main symptoms are: decreased productivity, poor performance and lower motivation of employees. Moreover, the risks to those who put in too much overtime can also be manifested physically (by developing various conditions) or through unhealthy habits.

A part of these conditions are:

  1. Musculoskeletal disorders. Spending a long time in the same position can cause lower back pain, neck pain and headache
  2. High blood pressure
  3. Increased mental health problems
  4. Increased predisposition to work related accidents
  5. Problems during pregnancy
  6. Gastrointestinal disorders
  7. Higher rates of suicide

Some of the unhealthy customs are:

  1. Drinking alcohol in high doses
  2. Unhealthy diet
  3. Insufficient sleep – can lead to exhaustion
  4. Waiver of physical activity
  5. Insufficient time spent outdoors

An accelerated work pace can favor the development of personality disorders, irritability, low motivation and lack of concentration. Under these circumstances, a prolonged schedule can lead to apathy and general disinterest. Reports on its negative impact on a global scale are, therefore, a red flag. Thus, it’s recommended to adopt employee-oriented business policies and offer private health insurance plans in order to help the employee prevent the illnesses he or she is likely to be prone to by having a too busy work schedule.


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