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How much is the voluntary health insurance premium in June?

According to the announcement of the President of Statistics Poland (GUS) of 21st April 2023, the average monthly salary in the enterprise sector, including profit-sharing, amounted to PLN 7,178.40 in the first quarter of 2023. Therefore, the voluntary health insurance premium in June is PLN 646.06.

The basis for calculating the voluntary insurance premium is the amount of the declared monthly income, however, not lower than the amount of the average monthly salary in the enterprise sector, including profit-sharing.

Therefore, the voluntary health insurance premium calculated on the basis of the amount of
PLN 7,178.40 for April, May and June 2023 is not less than PLN 646.06 per month.

The National Health Fund (NFZ) makes coverage by voluntary health insurance dependent on the payment of an additional fee if the break in health insurance and payment of premiums is continuously

  • from 3 months to a year – the fee is not less than PLN 1,435.68 (20% of the calculation basis) and is paid in full
  • longer than one year to two years – the fee is not less than PLN 3,589.20 (50% of the calculation basis) and it is possible to spread it over 3 instalments
  • longer than two years to five years – the fee is not less than PLN 7,178.40 (100% of the calculation basis) and it is possible to spread it over 6 instalments
  • longer than five years to ten years – the fee is not less than PLN 10,767.60 (150% of the calculation basis) and it is possible to spread it over 9 instalments
  • longer than ten years – the fee is not less than PLN 14,356.80 (200% of the calculation basis) and it is possible to spread it over 12 instalments

The calculation basis of the health insurance premium is published on the website of Statistics Poland (GUS) after the 15th day of the month beginning the next quarter.

The premium in the new amount is effective from the 1st day of the month beginning the quarter in which the announcement was made.

Who can get insured voluntarily?

A voluntary health insurance contract with the National Health Fund (NFZ) may also be concluded despite having the title to compulsory health insurance, i.e. despite having the status of a family member (a family member is entitled to benefits as a person registered for health insurance by the person paying the premium).

Voluntary insurance, despite having the status of a family member, is possible in exceptional cases: it may concern e.g. a spouse of the person paying the health insurance premium.

A person who, despite having the title to insurance as a family member, decides for voluntary health insurance, makes a written statement that they are aware of the possibility to use healthcare as a family member but resign from it in favour of their own title to health insurance (as a voluntarily insured person).

Over 4 million Poles use private health insurance

At the end of 2022, the number of people with private health insurance amounted to nearly
4.23 million, i.e. 9.2% more than a year earlier. Poles spent PLN 1.3 billion on private insurance policies, i.e. 17% more year on year. This way, we try to address our main concerns related to life and health. According to a report of the Polish Insurance Association (PIU) entitled “How insurance changes Poland and its people”, as many as 80% of Poles are afraid that they will not have enough money for the treatment of a serious illness. Almost 70% are concerned about the lack of access to medical care.

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